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  • Lorem Ipsum Dolor Elit Sun

    Cras non dolor. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum a dolor sagittis lacus. Etiam iaculis nuncfringilla vel

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  • Lorem Ipsum Dolor Elit Sun

    Cras non dolor. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum a dolor sagittis lacus. Etiam iaculis nuncfringilla vel

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  • Lorem Ipsum Dolor Elit Sun

    Cras non dolor. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum a dolor sagittis lacus. Etiam iaculis nuncfringilla vel

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Hi there! Welcome to "A Faith That Works" where we have been charged to build you up in the area of your faith. The Bible states in Luke 12:48, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." God has given us so much to be thankful for and we will be remiss if we did not share and bless you with the knowledge that we have received that will benefit you and bless you as well. We pray that you enjoy your visit to this site.

Not Every Closed Door is Locked, PUSH!

We give God the glory knowing that every day is "Open Door Season" with the Lord! As doors are being closed in certain areas of your life, NEW DOORS are being opened. Do not be afraid to embrace the new. New connections, new assignments, new territories. Christ has made ALL THINGS NEW! This is a season of abundance, the season of lack and scarcity is over, enjoy your season of OVERFLOW!


Someone once said that fear had two meanings: You can forget everything and run OR you could face everything and rise. I hope you chose the latter. God told Joshua to be of a good courage and He would strengthen his heart. He said be strong and very courageous, be not dismayed because the Lord thy God is with thee. This is the confidence that we have in Christ, that He will never leave us to face or fight our battles alone!

Knowing God

Getting to know God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is the most important decision that you will make on this side of Heaven. We fear what we do not know or understand. Understanding the "finished work" on the cross is the first step to knowing who we are and what we were predestined to do and be here in the earth. So regardless of what you thought, God has a purpose and a plan for your life. It's time to get busy fulfilling it.

Faith It To Make It

When you ask God for something, He takes you through a process of conditioning so that you are equipped to handle what He wants to give you. Go through the process. Some of us get halfway through and quit. To get the FULLNESS of what God wants to give us, we have to resolve to endure! I hope the Word blesses you. Thank you for tuning in. If you wish to be a blessing to this ministry of faith, please like, share, and subscribe to this YouTube Channel and send your gifts via Cashapp to $AFaithThatWorks2. We bless God for the Word.

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Love gone wrong! Find out how God was able to restore me back to right fellowship with Him when I thought that I needed a man to validate me. Wondering where your husband is? WAIT on the Lord!

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Our Lives Should Reflect Christ in Us

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A Faith That Works!

Go and Be the Church

As children of God, we have been given a mandate to preach the gospel in season and out of season. We should joyfully proclaim and share with others how Jesus has changed our lives and how they too can benefit from a life yielded to our Lord. We should live each day as if it were our last and make every effort to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit by being doers of God's Word and not hearers only! (James 1:22-25).

Hi there! I am Author/ Evangelist Teresa A. Stith and this is a "Call to Action!"

The day that you hear the Word, harden not your hearts!

The Bible tells us in Romans chapter 10: 9,10 that if we shall confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, then we shall be saved. Don't put off for tomorrow, what you could very well do today. Get into the ark of safety while you still have a chance.


Welcome to our donation page! We are so excited to share with you that “A Faith

Advancing the Kingdom of God

We’ve heard for years how a time was coming when men would not be able to

Fixed on Jesus

What a wonderful place that we find ourselves when we understand that we are safe in

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