Build Yourself Up!

So much has changed since I started this website in 2017. There have been so many changes, so many lessons, so much growth. I still remember that day in February when the Holy Spirit whispered to me “A Faith That Works!” I had no clue what I was supposed to do with that information, but I did what I knew, I began to write things down. I decided that I would create a Facebook page and post messages that would motivate, inspire, and build others up in the area of their faith. Little did I know at the time, that God was building up mine. I had no knowledge about many of the things that I know now, but at His Word, I moved forward. I made mistakes, I kept trying. I fell down, I got back up. Each time with more power and determination than before because now, I am learning who I am in Christ. I could have talked myself out of God’s plan for my life because I couldn’t see what He was doing and I couldn’t make sense of it all, but as I slowly trusted and yielded myself to Him, He was able to do much more than I ever could have with my life. I am working on my 9th book and to say that I knew that I had BOOKS inside of me would be the biggest lie. Who would have thought that the little girl who once wanted to take her life because she couldn’t see the value in it, has grown to see the value in so many others? Who would have thought that the same day that I was supposed to take my life, I would find a reason to live?

Jesus has been the perfect example that life is meant to be enjoyed. He has made my life FULL of the goodness of God, that I would have never experienced if I had not trusted that He was able to do something with my life. I had nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

As you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, remember… you do not need any special skills, you do not need to be brilliant, you do not need to be rich, you do not have to be a stand up citizen. All you have to do is make yourself available to God. Tell Him “yes!” Tell Him yes, I will trust you, yes I give you full control of my life to do with it as You see fit, tell Him “yes!”

You would be surprised at what you already have in your hand that God will use to give you a hope and a future, for with God ALL THINGS are possible. As we change, the world changes, and the people and places around us change, we can be sure that our Father changes not. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Start writing things down that you would like to see come to pass in your life. The Bible teaches that without a vision, the people will perish. Put it somewhere that you can see it every day. As you awake each day and approach the throne of God, ask Him to show you how to get started, who to connect to, and He will. God wants to give you MORE. More hope for the future, more LIFE in your life, do you believe that? BUILD YOURSELF UP! The Bible also teaches that if you have faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, be thou removed from hence and cast into the sea, and it will obey. This just simply implies that if you can just believe God, you will see things began to change in your life because faith MOVES.

Try this link to my very first book “A Faith That Works.” It will help you to move from seeing to believing. I too, at one point in my life was so busy looking at what I didn’t have, that I couldn’t see what I did, until the Lord opened up my eyes. I did not think that faith was working, but little did I know, I was looking at it all wrong. We bless God for the Word.

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